Services We Offer
The general character of work performed by Colorado Pump Service & Supply:
- Field and Shop Service/Rebuild
- Deep Set Submersible Pumps
- Shallow Set Submersible Pumps
- Line Shaft Turbine Pumps
- Video well, down hole inspection
- Solar Pumps
- Jet Pumps
- Centrifugal Pumps
- Line Shaft Turbine Pumps
- Split Case Pumps
- Multi-stage Centrifugal Pumps
- Sump Pumps
- Sewage Pumps
- Diaphragm Pumps
- Self Priming Pumps
- High PSI, High TDH Boost
- Plant and Booster Stations
- Lowering of Submersible Pumps
- Well Rehabilitation
- Brushing of Wells
- Acid Washing of Wells
- Sand Bucketing
- Cleaning of Wells—All Methods
- Air Development
- Mechanical
- Pump Stations
- Vaults
- Piping, MJ, FL, Weld
- Excavation
- Trenching
- Water Lines
- Control Valves
- Valves
- Meters
- Shrouds
- Electrical
- Pump Control Panels
- Variable Frequency
Drives - Transformers
- Electrical Cabling
and Conduits - Level Controls
- Transducers
- Windmills
- New Towers & Mills
- Repair of Equipment
- Cylinders
- Video Well Inspection
- Down-hole closed-circuit equipment
- State of the art technology
- Dewatering
- Deep Well Pump Systems
- Well Point Systems
- Automated Controls
- Discharge Piping
- Water Treatement
- Iron Removal
- Water Softeners
- Hard Water Scale
- Sulfur Treatment
- Sediment Filters
- UV Systems
- RO Systems
- Chlorine fee pumps
- Chlorination
- Well Testing
- GPM Flow Test
- Draw Down of Well
- 24 hr to 30 Day tests
- Storage Systems
- Underground
- Above ground
- Booster Systems
- Pumps
- Custom Skids
- Controls
- Pipe Threading
- ¼” to 6” NPT
- 2-3/8” to 7” 8 Rd
- Sewage Pump Systems
- Pumps
- Floats
- Controls
- Vaults
- Slide Rail systems
- Motors
- Repair / Re-wind